Monday, February 27, 2012

Social Issue Book Clubs: Rules

Rules by Cynthia Lord

Question #1 What are the main social issues dealt with in your book? Give at least two examples from the story that illustrates this social issue.

Question #2 Compare the social issue in your book to another book you've read or we've read as a class. Describe the book and explain how the social issues are similar.


  1. I strongly believe that the social issue is disability in Rules by Cynthia Lord. I think disability is a social issue because David has Autism. He has a sister Catherine who said, ''I see how kids stare at David and it hurts me, because I know what there thinking." There probably thinking he has a disability stay away from him. David has rules for living. That Catherine made up for him to obey. So he would adjust socially. Another example is one of David's rules which is sometimes people laugh when they like you but sometimes they laugh to hurt you. For example , when Ryan made fun of Jason with the gum , that was cruel. Ryan had a piece of gum. Then he blew a bubble with it. Then gave a piece of gum to Catherine and Kristi. Then David asked ''can I have a turn"? Ryan took a piece and said ''jump for it''.

    I think Nory Ryan's Song and Rules have smiliar characters. For example , Nory and Catherine are alike. They are, because Nory was like a mom to Patch and Catherine had to watch over David. For example, Nory had to take care of Patch while Celia and Granda went to find Da. When Catherine made friends with Kristi. Her mom made her take David with her. Catherine didn't want to because, she worried about David embarrass her.

    1. Mira, I also agree that a social issue is ''disability'' not just because David has autism but because Jason has Cerebral palsy. I think people stay away from David because how he reacts to everything because his disability isn't visible (to see on the outside of him). I also thought it was cruel for Ryan to tease David with the gum but, I wonder if Ryan knew David had autism because if he didn't know he doesn't know how he'll react.

  2. My group read ''Rules'' by Cynthia Lord. One of the social issues is ''disability'' because David has autism you can tell because he reacts to a lot of noise like he yelled ''quiet pigs!'' when Catherine's guinea pigs started squeaking. Another social issue is bullying because Ryan makes David jump before he gives him gum, then ryan gives David a empty gum wrapper instead of gum. David doesn't realize that Ryan is bullying him because he is autistic

    the book ''Rules'' by Cynthia Lord is similar to ''Out of My Mind'' by Sharon Draper because melody and jason both have cerebral palsy, even though jason has a less severe case. ''Rules'' is also like ''All the Way Home'' because both Mariel and Jason both have/had disabilities. Mariel had polio which caused her to wear leg braces and Jason has cerebral palsy which makes it hard for him to talk and walk and Mariel can't walk fast and play with the other kids she know.

  3. Question #1

    In Rules by Cynthia Lord I thought the social issue was disability and bullying. I thought disability was the social issue because in the book Rules a boy named David has a disability called Autism. David has a twelve year old sister named Catherine and all she wants is a normal life but it’s hard for her because her brother has Autism and she has to teach him simple rules some times. I also thought bullying was a social issue because a boy named Jason who has Cerebral Palsy was getting bullied. Jason has to communicate with cards because he cant speak. When Jason goes outside everybody ignores him like he was nothing. David is Autistic and needs help learning how to be social. He needs help being social because he’s older and when someone says hi to him he doesn't know to say hi back because he's Autistic and needs to be taught those simple rules by his sister. Jason has a disability called Cerebral Palsy and he can't speak but one day this boy named Ryan also made fun of David and teases him and doesn't share his gum with David.


    Another book that’s similar to Rules by Cynthia Lord is All The Way Home. In All The Way Home Mariel had Polio and she couldn't do anything like running. The other kids would ignore her and stay away from her and would treat her like garbage. When Brick came he was he only one that treated Mariel with respect other than Loretta. No David is also another book that is similar to Rules. David has to learn simple rules like to say hi when some one says hi to him. In No David! David is also doing things that he is not suppose to do because he’s smaller. Rules deals with disability and bullying. David and Mariel are alike because they both have a disability. Mariel has Polo and David has Autism. In All The Way Home Geraldine makes fun of Mariel because she has Polio and her mom tells her to stay away from Mariel. In Rules David ha s to learn simple things like to say hi when someone says hi to him.

  4. The social issue in our book was disability and friendship because in the book Rules by Cynthia Lord, Catherine's brother David had a disability which was Autism and she was often embarrassed by his behaviors. It is also about friendship because when Catherine went to O.T with her brother she met a boy named Jason, who couldn't talk or walk. But when Catherine becomes friends with him but she is embarrassed to be his friend in public. Like when Jason wanted Catherine to take him for a ride in his wheelchair in the parking lot she was afraid that people would stare at her and Jason. Catherine finally wasn't afraid to show her friendship with Jason when she went to the dance with him and danced with him in front of everyone and not even caring about what they were doing.

    The social issues in rules are similar to the social issues in All the Way Home, because Mariel had Polio and didn't really have any friends until she met Brick who helped her to not be afraid. In Rules Catherine was always embarrassed of David and the way he acted until she met Jason. He helped her realize that it doesn't matter if you have a disability and that people will just have to face the fact that you are friends with someone who has a disability. It isn't different from being friends with a person who doesn't have a disability. Also he made her realize that you need to accept that people will stare and ask questions. It's normal so don't feel bad about it or try to hide from it.

    1. Yes friendship is a another social issue.I total agree with you.Also Catherine and Kristi is a good example of friendship.Catherine and Jason is another example of friendship.How Catherine didn't want to go to the dance , because people would make fun of Jason.

    2. Maria, I agree that another social issue is friendship.Catherine and Jason is an example of friendship because she didn't want to go to the dance with Jason because she thought people would make fun of her but she was brave and went anyway.Catherine and Kristi are also a good example of friendship.The social issues are also the same in All the Way Home because Mariel has a disability Polio and David and Jason also have a disability.David has Autism and Jason has Cerebral Palsy.
