Important Information

Monday & Thursday
10:45 - 11:15
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
11:15 - 11:45
11:15 - 11:55

8:20 - 9:00

Band & Orchestra
(Lesson during the day and practice after school)
*Instrument lessons are the responsibility of the child and not the parent or teacher.  Students are in charge of making time to practice at home, remembering to bring their instruments and lesson materials to school on the correct day and for picking up their lesson card to find out when their lesson is.  Students are also responsible for obtaining work that was missed while they were at their lesson. 

Book Orders:
I have exciting news. You can now place your Scholastic Book Clubs orders online!
 Browse all the great monthly Book Club selections at low prices and order online. Plus, our class earns a FREE book every time a parent orders online.
 Here’s how it works:
 Use the information below to access the Scholastic Book Clubs Web site.
  1. Browse the titles with your child and place your order with your credit card.
  2. Your order will come to me, and your credit card payment will go directly to Scholastic’s secure server. There’s no need to send money to school.
  3. After I submit the entire class order to Scholastic, your order will be delivered to our classroom for your child to take home.
Class Activation Code: 

Ordering online is the most convenient way to use Scholastic Book Clubs. You can order anytime, right up until the online order due date. You’ll also get instant access to over 500 additional titles plus online-only specials and discounts.
 And don’t forget: Every time a parent places an order online, we earn a FREE book for our classroom library!

 You still have the option to send in your order to school if it is more convenient for you.  Just fill out the forms with your child’s name and send a check made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs and I will place the order for you.

Box Tops:

We will continue collecting Box Tops this year.  
However the way these labels will be turned into cash and used has changed.   Each teacher will be able to use the cash we get for each box top for classroom supplies. So the more our class collects the more items can be purchased that go directly into our classroom.  Please consider collecting and sending in every Box Top that you can!  Thank you!!!