HW and Assignments

Above you will find a Google Calender that I hope to use to keep you up to date on homework assignments and projects.   If you click on the HW link, it should open up a window with the homework assignments and details.

Since homework is intended to be a review or practice of material taught in class, I may post generic assignments  (ie. math worksheet) because we will not always cover all the material I have planned. 

Please continue to sign your child's assignment pad after they have completed their assignments. This will help you to know that they have completed their assignments and also it will tell me that you are aware of their specific assignments. The Assignment Pad will be used as a communication tool between school and home, please feel free to quickly write notes to me there.

The Assignment Pad is checked by myself or a student helper to make sure that your child has written down the assignments correctly.  It should reflect the assignments written on the Google Calendar.  If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or contact me at school.

  •  If you find that your child is spending more than an hour and 30 minutes on homework or is having difficulty with a particular piece of homework, please send me a note.