Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh, Canada!

We are starting our Independent Canada Project today!  As a culmination to our Canada unit each student will choose something of interest to them to research about Canada.  We have been reading Wow, Canada by Vivian Bowers and have learned so many fascinating facts about Canada. 
Each student received a packet with some suggested project topics and ideas.  Students may choose to do something from the packet but may also do a project on any topic they would like, even if it is not included in the packet. 
They must make sure to use their time wisely and utilize the strategies given to complete this long term project.
  • Plan out project.  (sketch, draft, etc.)  
                    Planning sheet due: Monday October 29th. 
                                                *Click on the Canadian Flag for a PDF file of the planning sheet.

  • Use several resources to gather information.
  • Make your project eye-catching and use your creativity. 
Students should use their time wisely and not wait until the last minute to complete this project.  Once they complete the planning sheet, they will be given approval and may begin to work on their project.
Working on this project will be a homework assignment for the next several weeks until it is due.  Students are encouraged to work on it a little bit each night.  Since some nights might be busier than others, students should plan ahead and may work longer on some nights due to other commitments   This project will provide them with an opportunity to independently plan out their time. Please continue to check in with them to make sure they are making progress and will complete the project on the due date:  Wednesday November 7th.  
If you have any questions, please e-mail me or contact me at school.